
No. Wucking. Slurries.

Clean up, Made Easy

The filters that make the magic happen.

Behind every innovative idea, there’s the hardware that makes it work.

Fortunately for Slurrytub, it couldn’t be easier, the filter simply fits into the tub, pour your slurry mix in, and the filter does the rest.

You know you want the job done right.

Convenience in sizes

Slurrytub knows that you don’t always need the biggest pack possible, sometimes you just need enough to get you across the line.

With that in mind, Slurrytub has released two sized packs for their filters, a 6-piece pack, and a trade-orientated 24-piece pack.

Get it done in four easy steps

(four step photos here)

Grab your kits here!

These filters are great, but they’re useless without the tubs themselves, follow the above link to grab yourself a few tubs and get your job going

Check out the Slurrytub website for a bunch of useful information, and product demonstrations.